The ESCL so far contains classes related to setting up the crystal lattice with a basis, symmetry check, and some classes that make file handling and input processing a little more convenient. It's only a start and far from complete. If you think that sounds interesting just download the source and have a look. It shouldn't be too difficult to compile the library, although it doesn't come with a configure script yet, so you might have to edit the makefile. The sources are quite well documented and there's also a documentation generated by doxygen. Future plans include adding classes for atoms and electronic states, k-point meshes, setting up Hamiltonians and overlap matrices, and everything else that might be needed in an electronic structure code.
The ESCL is released under the GNU General Public License. I would appreciate if you send me an email if you find the ESCL useful, or if you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions. The library comes with a tool, called checklattice
, to illustrate its usage. checklattice
reads a lattice and a basis from an input file and looks for symmetries. Here is an example of an input file and the output that checklattice
!BRAVAIS stet 1 1.3 !BASIS 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fe 0.5 0.5 0.5 Pt
checklattice, linked with ESCL 0.1.0
Bravais lattice: ---------------- Lattice type: simple tetragonal Length scale: 1 Unit cell volume: 1.3 Lattice vectors /length_scale (in rows): 1.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 1.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 1.3000000000000 Reciprocal lattice vectors *length_scale/(2*pi) (in rows): 1.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 1.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.7692307692308
Basis: ------ Number of species: 2 Species: Fe Pt Number of sites: 2 1: Fe, 1 sites 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 2: Pt, 1 sites 0.5000000000000 0.5000000000000 0.5000000000000
Symmetry: --------- Number of symmetries: 16 Number of Bravais lattice symmetries: 16 Inversion symmetry is included. Tried 55 symmetry centers (mode: between three sites).
Types: ------ Number of types: 2 1: Fe, 1 sites, 16 symmetries 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 0.0000000000000 2: Pt, 1 sites, 16 symmetries 0.5000000000000 0.5000000000000 0.5000000000000
Done.Also, some short programs that test certain aspects of the library can be found in the directory called test.
. This will compile the library, some tests, and some tools that are based on the library. To install the library and the header files in $PREFIX/lib
and $PREFIX/include/escl
, respectively, simply type make install
is set to $HOME
but can easily easily be overwritten by typing make install PREFIX=installdir
in your code:
#include "escl/escl.h"
The namespace is called 'escl'. To link the library add -lescl
to your linker command. If the compiler/linker do not find the corresponding files use -I
and -L
, respectively.